Friday, July 3, 2009

IT’S TIME TO POP THE CHAMPAGNE FOLKS! (Make sure you have your daaru permits first!)

Thank God for the judiciary. If not for them, nothing in this country would get done. Ever!

By decriminalizing consensual sex between two adults of the same gender, a new road is about to be paved for progress towards an accepting, tolerant and an all-inclusive society.

The Delhi High Court, with this judgment, has pretty much done all the dirty work of the government – who in their eagerness not to piss off any group (read voters) were hemming and hawing over an issue which is essentially a no brainer.

I mean, how much grey matter is needed to understand that section 377 was morally preachy, intolerant, judgmental and cruel? Yes, cruel! And that it was only a tool to be misused to harass and bully gay people by our law enforcement agencies. And boy! Can they misuse laws!

A party in Lonavala was busted, and all the kids crammed in the slammer, for guess what… drinking without a permit, playing loud music and dancing ‘Obscenely’. Which means, pretty much every party/wedding party in Mumbai (and even a few college socials).

This is so ridiculous that it is both funny and tragic. But we Indians, as a people, do not give a rat's bottom. We are so self-centered that we will not do anything till our own kid gets picked up. (then we will yell bloody injustice…)

Forget about busted parties, we don’t bat an eyelid even if a Commission takes 17 years to decide who was responsible for the demolition of a Masjid!

17 years!!! Do you know how long that is???– A child born in 1992 would be old enough, by now, to be arrested for attending a birthday party! Pah!

We will do nothing when Political parties squabble over naming / renaming a bridge which took 9 painfully long, years to build, because of their own apathy.

We will not so much as murmur when its long awaited opening is delayed and timed, just so a certain 'Party Combo' can claim credit.

As for the protesting Political Parties… where were they when the project was delayed for so long? Wasn’t it a blow to their pride / asmita then? Why didn’t they threaten agitation and dharnas then?

After all this, if the voters of this state are still not smart enough to see through this ruse, then they deserve the government they choose.

Jai Hind!

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